No yeast whole grain bread and homemade plum jam make a dream team for an early morning breakfast. Our plum jam is low in sugar, healthy and made in the oven!

Weekend mornings are the ones I enjoy the most. Waking slowly to the scent of coffee, going through the journals, and enjoying morning silence. I am a breakfast person, and my mornings always start with drinking coffee, and for fifteen minutes not thinking about anything, just enjoying that precise moment. Then, when everyone else is awake, I can start preparing breakfast. These little weekend rituals have been around my whole life, and are really something I don't give up easily.
But why limit these beautiful rituals only to one or two days a week? Can’t we have 30 minutes for ourselves every day? Preparing a slow breakfast at home and enjoying a mug of coffee or tea should not be that hard. We give our time easily to others, can't we save some time for ourselves as well?
I can not go out without my breakfast, and as I love this meal the most, I make sure it’s also delicious. Taking the time for a proper breakfast is my way of preparing for a busy day ahead, and where I love making porridge during autumn days, homemade toasted bread and a few spoons of delicious homemade marmalade is definitely my favorite.
Ok, I must confess. I LOVE bread, and sometimes I eat it too much. I could live without pasta and other carbs, just don’t take my bread away. 🙂 Especially if it's sourdough and made with whole-grain flours and seeds. Those are my favorite! Baking homemade bread is really something I want to master. This time I am sharing a recipe for whole-grain bread that is without any yeast, easy to make and ready to mix up the night before or bake immediately.

This no yeast bread is packed with good grains and lots of seeds. It’s more compact than the usual bread (as there is no yeast to help in rising the dough), but if you are like me, you will love this type of bread. Perfect for spreads such as marmalade, hummus, or avocado toast.

Now let’s talk about this delicious, plum marmalade. Those of you who follow me for some time now, know that I am a huge fan of homemade jams and preserves. It’s just something that goes way back and is embedded in our family traditions. If this is the first time you make your marmalade, make sure to read my post on How to store marmalade for winter.
Whereas other types of marmalade have a long cooking process, our plum marmalade is baked. Yes, you heard me. And let me tell you - this process is way easier, especially for those of you who don’t want to stand in the kitchen and mix it continuously. All you have to do is slice your plums the night before, cover them with sugar and leave to soak. The next day put them in the preheated oven and occasionally stir every 15-20 minutes until you reach the desired texture. Sounds like a dream, right? You can also add some spices to it - such as cinnamon or nutmeg. I like my plain and with chunks of fruit in it.
These two recipes really make my perfect morning and we enjoy it throughout the whole year. Try making them and enjoying them with your favorite warm drink. If you decide to make it make sure to comment below or tag me on Instagram @thehungryapron. I would love to see how it turned out!

Healthy no yeast whole-grain bread WITH homemade plum jam
Marija Gvozdenovic
For the whole-grain bread
( 1 loaf makes around 12 slices )
200g rye flour
200g wholegrain spelt flour
1 tbsp sesame seeds + more for decoration
1 tbsp ground flax seeds + flax seeds for decoration
3 tbsp sunflower seeds + more for decoration
1 tbsp oat flakes + more for decoration
1 tbsp maple syrup (or honey if not vegan)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
Mineral sparkling water, just enough to bind all the ingredients
FOR THE plum marmalade
( makes around 8 medium jars )
5kg fresh plums, ripe and sweet
500g sugar
Prepare the bread:
In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Add maple syrup, olive oil and start adding water. You will need a bit more than 1 glass of water to mix all ingredients well. Cover the dough with a clean table cloth and leave for 30 minutes.
Preheat your oven at 180°C (350°F). Line a plum cake pan with parchment paper. Spread the bread dough equally and cover with a mixture of seeds and flakes. Bake for 20 minutes until golden. Let it cool before cutting.
Prepare the plum marmalade:
Wash the plums and cut in quarters, removing the seeds. Add sugar, mix and cover with a clean tablecloth. Leave overnight or for at least 8 hours.
Preheat your oven at 180°C. Place the plums in a large pan and bake for around 2 hours. Check your jam every 20 minutes, and stir for a moment. The final result should have jam consistency but not too firm as the marmalade will get thicker after cooling.
How to store marmalade:
Once the marmalade is ready, turn off the oven and take it out. Prepare clean glass jars and put them in the oven until it’s still warm. Once the jars got warm, fill them with hot marmalade, close well, and turn upside down. Let them cool completely. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct light. In this way, your marmalade won’t go bad, and you can enjoy it throughout the whole winter. Once opened, the jar should be stored in the refrigerator.